Do you have pain with sex, tampons, or pelvic exams? Does your vulva feel like it's on fire? Do you feel like you have a UTI all the time? Have you struggled to get the care you need? Join Tight Lipped!

Tight Lipped is a grassroots advocacy organization changing how vulvovaginal and pelvic pain is treated. We use a community organizing framework, bringing patients, medical providers, and allies together to collectively shift medical practice and social attitudes. Our current campaign aims to address gaps in OB/GYN education and ensure that every gynecologist in the United States learns how to diagnose and manage common vulvovaginal and pelvic pain conditions.

Sign up to join one of our established chapters:

Get in touch with community members:

Not in any of these locations? Sign up to stay in the loop about upcoming events & opportunities, and we will reach out to you directly if we have plans to start a chapter near you in the future. We also encourage you to self-organize or host meet-ups in your city to build community. We are happy to publicize local events, just send us the info at We’re excited to welcome you to our community!